Historical Event Timeline
The Philadelphia Centennial Exposition.

The Philadelphia Centennial Exposition of 1876
On the occasion of the Centennial celebration of the United
States of America, Reverend Samuel Chenery Damon, writing
for The Friend July 4, 1876, extolled the special significance of
this memorable event stating “The dawn of American Liberty is
one of the sublime things of history. Fraught with mighty
meaning to the great men, whose hearts bore the burden of their
country’s weal or woe. They never faltered in their trust, but
chose above all things else to keep unstained their country’s
honor. Amid such scene began the first century of our national
existence. To such sources may we trace our “Declaration of
Independence” which, says Bancroft, “was for its composer the
aurora of enduring fame.”
These and other illuminating citations published in The Friend
would serve to confirm and advance the call for annexation. A
call that would place the Hawaiian Islands on the path to