

For more information about RIHi.USA, please contact us at info@rihiusa.org


Research Institute for Hawaii.USA

55 Merchant Street, Suite 1905, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813


RIHi.USA is a 4942 (j) 3 Private Operating Foundation. We sponsor conferences with relevant US Constitutional history policy research. It is timely to safely evaluate and review the reasonable evidential basis for US Constitutional policies on US literary legal precedent research. These policies are expressed to protect our safer accuracy of safer equal rights policies, by improving US literary legal precedent research policy basis of historiographic research policies in Hawaii. And with our safe evaluative policy review, respecting the safety and privacy of everyone, etc, in these matters, it is responsible, timely and relevant to safely unobtrusively review these US legal compliance policy matters, regarding the safer US Constitutional compliance, etc.—C. Haig, RIHi.USA 2017