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Information Systems for Honolulu, Hawaii


 Christopher James Damon Haig
   Heritage Research Production, Inc 

© 1992 -2008



For the first time, bank directors, corporations, land developers, and citizen groups can safely develop an earlier informational basis for greater business confidence in a more economicly progressive economy. Through anticipatory design policies with comprehensive regional information system mapping, there will be improved economic growth, while respecting our architectural heritage at the pedestrian and root top levels, thus promoting heritage tourism architectural designs.

 For instance, with Geographic information Systems, new regional information mapping systems, will enable a greater informed confidence in the quality of Hawaiian island regional economic growth, which is simultaneously consistent with luxury heritage tourism economic logic.  With multi-media designs, Geographic information systems can visually increase business confidence levels in quality island economic growth, and more quality tourism

 Our responsibilities to safest quality economic growth for future generations of the people of the United States and all nations requires, that we advance more comprehensive visual technologies of ‘win-win’ informational research with user friendly geographic information mapping systems.  These information policies will enable earlier stages of visualizable ‘wise decision making’ with anticipatory designs, enhancing the success of land-use planning for future generations.
Before the use of geographic information systems, disparate competitive interests often focussed on ‘short-sighted’ economic competitive interests, where the Honolulu urban environment has often lost out to poorly designed commercial development.  For the first time, banks now can visualize together and improve the regional character of new developments respecting shared responsibilities to future generations.   These can be easily designed on systems for complimenting quality of the regional environment while accelerating regional economics. 

         Thus, advancing corporate growth will be appreciated in the community.  With greater visual consensus on architectural quidelines, adjacent tourism economic values can be advanced.
Hawaii’s geographic information systems, and component video design systems,  can further enable quicker visual consensus on site locations of innumerable land development decisions like, Hawaiian  resort design, watershed management, public safety emergency management, Conservation district review and less expensive, responsible mono-rail mass transit design.
The Cities, Counties and State of Hawaii have already integrated visual layers of information that are enabling more easily visualizable land use agreements to occur in Hawaii.    New systems enable greater degrees of responsible economic freedom among banks, commercial loans divisions based on regional information at earlier stages of design decision-making. Thus, there is greater confidence in quality island economic growth.
Often, however, environmental and heritage architectural concerns have been blamed, as retarding economic growth.  This often reflects an all too common reaction to the  ‘win-lose’ stage of land use decision making with frequent controversial, acrimonious court battles between environmentalists and development corporations.      The sad result ends in stalled projects or foreclosures, slow economies and polluted ecosystems; this is often known as a ‘lose-lose’ style of regional decision-making. Over the years, with these intense court battles over conflicting interests, this ‘lose-lose’ decision-making style has too often been occurring between corporations, governmental and environmental interests, with lessened appreciation for economic growth.                                    
Recently, while the EPA, led by William Reilly, has enabled tax incentives to advance quality economic growth, further advances are being made in mediated ‘win-win’ styles of ecologically responsible economic growth and more responsible economic freedom based on regional information systems.  These systems support greater ecologically responsible economic liberty in our international free market system of Hawaii.                         
Thus, ’s geographic information systems can enable corporate visual agreement before adversarial positions have become intractably defensive, and before the information of each competing community interest is so heavily biased that there is little opportunity for economically beneficial consensus on further corporate development, ‘Win-win’ stages of decision making based on sharing information at early stages can reduce the likelihood of embittered intractable regional debates and legal due process involving ‘win-lose’ styles of decision making. At times these stalled projects can create a third ‘lose-lose’ land use-planning scenario.                              
Can the ‘lose-lose’ stage, be superceded?  Adversarial business and environmentalists inevitably losing time, could be superceded by using heritage architectural information and viewscape and landscape design with the developers for earlier,, quicker decision making stages so as to consider economically responsible ‘win-win’ presumptions possible, prior to initial project commitment.
Thus, the right site-suitability corporate study, explained in layers of logic, on the layered visual information systems, will enhance corporate decision presentations with citizen’s groups and thus, increase confidence among the public and environmentalists in respect for the private sector style of decision making.  This method will enable increasingly responsible visual consensus on what constitutes quality regional economic growth so that economic growth can continue. 
In response to the concerns for our national economy, many government leaders, bank economists and corporate leaders are considering responsible regional economic information systems for advancing successful macro-economic freedom, while at the same time, respecting the architectural and environmental heritage of the islands.  For quality growth to occur, land use pattern economic research must encompass these systemic research.  Thus, it is easier for island corporations and developers to avoid potential environmental degradations and destruction of the island architectural heritage by including this layered information at early stages of wise corporate decision-making.
A basis for increasing this visual consensus and increasing confidence levels in the business sector is now becoming possible with ’s overlay mapping systems and related ’s views cape technical advancements in the field. From over twenty years of research in regional overlay mapping principles, high technology is finally enabling great advances macro-economic overview in comprehensive land use.
One need only review the great success of GIS systems in the United States’ city, county, state and national agencies, and in different nations to appreciative how GIS comprehensively provides an exciting technical basis comprehensive economic growth pattern overview.  How will GIS systems advance greater visual ‘win-win’ consensus in land use decision-making and enable more coherent wisdom to dawn between corporate land developer decisonmakers, banks, government agencies and citizen groups?
These technologies can greatly enhance visual consensus capabilities for more progressive banking policy, mortgage and loan policy, corporate growth policy, and support regional economic development policy.  With more precise, credible, visualizable corporate consensus on GIS and new video imaging technologies, regions can begin to prevent being economically undermined in their regional economic base by environmentalists.  "Win-Lose" styles of adversarial decision-making between business, government and environmentalists can be superceded by based ‘Win-win’ economic growth patterns.
These timely questions are answered in this summary overview research.    This summary research reviews the generic principle of Geographic Information systems, over any other GIS corporation.  For a corporate and banking director perspective, we can, thus, better protect the architectural, ecological and traditional multi-cultural heritage, of Hawaii, avoiding environmental degradation.
It is possible for the banking community to accelerate quality economy through bank-financed development, while also maintaining architectural character for regional heritage tourism economics and ecological tourism of these regions. Thus, banks can support competitive economic growth respectful of high quality regional heritage character with greater visual consensus on vernacular architecture and responsible urban re-landscaping design. 
Regions often depend on heritage tourism for honeymoon and anniversary vacationers. Over 92% of Virgina’s tourism economy is attracted by Williamsberg, Virginia.  This village is not original, it was reconstructed.   Busch Gardens has capitalized on this heritage tourism economic logic with an amusement park within a few miles of Williamsberg, Va.  (Greg Coble- Trust officer for economic research of National Trust for Historic Preservation)
This visual informational over lay mapping for Heritage Ecological Policy Guidelines and Comprehensive Land Use plans is now possible with computerized regional and international information fields in a "layer cake" construction encompassing the entire range of natural science research.  These scientific informational layers include, but are not limited to:                                                                                                                                

Meteorological climate patterns
Aerial photography
Land use economic growth patterns
History of land use patterns maps
Regional architectural heritage style periods
Population historic demographic patterns maps
Present market economic geography maps
Public health epidemiological maps
Public Safety maps
Roads, electric power line, sewer maps
Police, crime, fire, water maps information
Vegetation history maps
Ecologically sensitive area preservation maps
Species and habitat regeneration maps
Soils science maps
Surface & subsurface hydrology/aquifer maps
Geology/geomorphologic history  (McHarg)

These Geographic Information Systems enable presently, fragmented departmental systems to be easily retrieved and integrated by corporations from previously distant, disparate government agencies.
Banks, corporations and the business community in general, can explore economic land use patterns from relationships among the economic and demographic maps displayed on TV to support ecologically responsible investment policies.
Corporations can promote themselves with public relations using information systems on what has been successful among corporations for the region.    The results can be visually displayed on TV, while enabling inquiries from distant locations to review the logical steps used in arriving at the land use decisions.   
These comprehensive GIS overviews enable very precise prediction for accelerating general confidence in regional economic growth, while respecting the few ecologically sensitive areas to be protected from any future development,
For professional educators, highly integrative GIS mapping overlays on TV screens provide a more integrative basis for professional education in business, banking finance, natural resource management. 
Thus, we may see a new technological basis for supporting greater regional and successful corporate communities.   Additionally, this can greatly increase confidence levels in the corporate stockholders meetings to empower the corporation for greater success.
To further avoid intractable, controversial, win-lose land use debates after the initial design stage of projects, ’s Video Imaging Design and CAD systems, (used in combination with Geographic Information Systems for overviewing historic districts and conservation districts) will help to professionalize participatory input from advisory committees at any stage of planning design. 
These Video Image Design systems will enable visualization of several Heritage options and will professionalize visual support in public hearings, Historic Commission meetings, and Environmental meetings at earlier design stages of the projects while advancing regional character and heritage authenticity of historic Villages, at the pedestrian street level and roof tops of skyscrapers.
We can, thus, avoid intractable Win-Lose public debates after the structured model design phase has been completed by developing WIN-WIN principles of regional heritage information sharing at earlier video design stages of projects.    Banks need this informational basis for wise corporate decision-making.
Corporations can, thus out-perform environmental and citizen groups usually very apprehensive about growth.  The corporations have better, earlier knowledge.  Video design systems can visualize from video, or photos and catalog the following for quick visual design consensus in Historic Commissions, and environmental review of visual impact on the Village heritage district:

Village architectural detailing on the first and roof top floors.Traditional rooflines in perspective and for drafting, Lampposts design, Front sign designs, Flagstone standards of sidewalk, and road way design. Courtyard shop design styles beneath towering office buildings, Native plants, shrubs, and tree species for re-landscaping of native fruit and flowering tree along scenic roadsides, and highways


 These previously listed, cataloged video images of representative ecological and architectural features are then available for quick electronic "clip and pasting" into the bay views, townscapes, scenic road views, for greater visual consensus of several alternative restoration designs preserving the aesthetics of ecological heritage.  A simple panoramic view of the village Mainstreet to be conserved is often worth a thousand words in public debate.  For instance, "Mainstreet" Heritage programs can more ably revitalize the multi-cultural Heritage of store frontage by using GIS and Video Image technologies, to enhance the "regional heritage economic logic".
The following chart reflects some potential shifts in urban planning practice and design implementation policy as a result of Geographic Information Systems' comprehensive overlay mapping systems being introduced into a region.
Without GIS                                                  with GIS TV MAPS
Inaccessible Knowledge:                            with GIS TV Maps        
 Maps are often shelved                                  corporate community, developers
Planning Laws, staff reports                           can make wise decisions
In written documents                                      at earlier stage of decision making
Also shelved inaccessibly                               and raise respect for corporations’ projects on TV
Static nature of maps                                   Dynamic Interactive Intelligence            
On agency shelf,                                          on GIS TV used for public relations                                               
In some distant   office                           

Complex staff reports                                 “User Friendly" Maps & photos on TV
                                                                      To support staff reports for corporate boards.
Limited Historic review                               Visual consensus using GIS video
Process                                                         Design for island wide historic review
                                                                       Evaluating macro-economic growth
                                                                      Patterns and their ecological impact    
______________________________________________________________ _________
                                                                     GREATER ECONOMIC FREEDOM                                                
                                                                     WHICH IS ARCHITURALLY RESPONSIBLE
                                                                  "An TV program"
                                                                        Detailing traditional village design
                                                                         With cultural and ecological heritage
                                                                      For increased heritage tourism economy
                                                                    "Is worth a thousand words" of 
                                                                      Debate in public hearings      

Complex                                                      Simple, yet Comprehensive visual                         
Slow, fragmented review.                           Overview: of region, of permit process
Of permit process                                                                    & logical progression of planning steps
                                                                     & Ecological factors in permit process!

Moderate Productivity in                          Higher Productivity in interrelated
Decision making                                       architecturally responsible decision-making

Slow Economic Growth                              High Quality Economic SUCCESS with
Impeded by setbacks                                 visual consensus enabling ‘win-win’
LOSE-LOSE STYLE                                  economic growth, which is architecturally               
OF DECISIONS                                         responsible




1.     For the first time, bank directors, corporation executives, architects, local businesses, developers, government, and citizen groups can develop a shared economically responsible informational basis of WIN-WIN Corporate decision making.  Enables greater confidence in business development, and enabling confidence in quality economic growth.  GIS can further enable responsible land banking finance, and greater degrees of economic freedom while advancing profitable heritage tourism economic logic!
1. A) For instance, placement of a seaport hotel for shipping tourism at Aloha Tower
Can now be visualized and promoted with greater comprehensive visualization using
GIS cad designs.

2.     Previously disparate interests often focussed on ‘short-sighted’ economic interests, now banks and communities can visualize together improved long term planning responsibilities to future generations for safely capitalizing on the heritage quality of the regional environment while accelerating regional economics. 

3.     Thus, advancing corporate growth is more generally appreciated in the community.  With greater consensus on guidelines, there will be more educated compliance, and less land degradation and land pollution.

4.  The Visualizable GIS systems are also capable of enhancing ‘regional identity’ and self expression among traditional architectural periods for more involvement in heritage tourism and on location film productions.  Thus, GIS can enable greater local enhancement of the regional eco-heritage tourism economy

5.   Previous ecosystem characteristics can be visualized as different ecological periods with maps and cross sections of ecological successional patterns.
Thus, GIS will support for the first time, design and monitoring of restoration of damaged ecosystems.  Re-landscaping with flowering trees along scenic roads.  Monitoring of restoration of degraded ecosystems, aquifers, protecting watersheds will be possible with the resulting opportunity for re-forestation and regional island ecological regeneration.  

 6.    We can technically advance "Win-Win" Corporate economic principles. Public relations with these systems can produce higher environmentalist confidence in corporate decision-making using GIS visual consensus building by guiding early stages of corporate decision-making.

7.  Thus, GIS information systems will enable the banking community and the urban residential community to anticipate regional growth problems with win-win visual ecological economic information principles on GIS TV, while increasing confidence in corporate decision making.

8.   Our responsibilities to future generations further requires that we advance more comprehensive information basis and technological standards of education for conserving this precious free market economic heritage, while avoiding environmental pollution.

9. The educational time for regional planning competence can be compressed from several years of graduate research in a distant university, to a few months corporate familiarity of GIS TV overlay mapping principles at the local corporate funded university.

10.    The very quality of cultural heritage in community life needs to be supported by a more legal, technical basis of GIS regional information systems for deciding what are the more ecologically responsible alternatives for accelerating confidence in quality international economic growth consistent with the regional character and identity.





Advisory guidelines to the Department of Planing and Natural Resources, U.S. Virgin Islands
On Heritage Tourism using GIS systems.

Conservation Foundation, Haig, C.J, ‘Heritage Tourism Economic Research’ on the town of Palo Alto to the Yellow Springs, Ohio, Planning Board Regional Conservation Research with Antioch University, 1972, 1990

Partridge, Ernest, Ed.
Responsibilities to Future Generations, Environmental Ethics of Policy, 1985

Pearce, Chris, Ed,    “Hawaii High Tech Journal,” Vol. 3, No. 4, 1988

Mc Harg, Design with Nature, Theory & practice of Ecological Planning with overlay mapping techniques, 1969

Simonett, D.National Center for Geographic Information Systems, Tel: 805-961-8224, Univ Cal. Santa Barbara

Towele, E“Challenges Facing Development Planning and Impact Assessment:  A Caribbean Perspective”, Barbados, 1987

White, J.W. “A Bright Vision for State Government:  Hawaii tackles the task of making information manageable and accessible” in Pearce, ed. “Hawaii High Tech Journal” 1988

Zube, E.H.“Landscape Planning Education in America:  Retrospect and Prospect” Landscape and Urban Planning, December 1986






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